QEOD Prizes -2023

EPS-QEOD (Quantum Electronics and Optics Division) Prizes

A series of prestigious EPS-QEOD Prizes and Awards distributed in uneven years will be presented in a special Plenary and Awards Ceremony during CLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2023 to take place on Tuesday morning, June 27, 2023.

QEOD Prizes -2021

A series of prestigious EPS-QEOD Prizes and Awards distributed in uneven years have been presented in a special Plenary and Awards Ceremony during CLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2021 on Tuesday morning, June 22nd, 2021 from 09:00 to 10:30, CEST time zone.
Traditionally, this Award is presented in even years during the Europhoton conference but things have been delayed by the pandemic. Thus the Award will be announced during the Plenary and Awards Ceremony of CLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2021. The Award of the Prize itself in person is scheduled to take place at Europhoton 2022, where the 2020 and 2022 winners of the Award will each be invited to give a Prize Lecture. The Europhoton 2022 meeting is scheduled to take place in Hannover, Germany, Sunday 28 August – Friday 2nd September 2022.

2020-Research in Laser Science and Applications Prize

Prof. Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark has been elected the winner of the 2020 EPS-QEOD Prize for Research in Laser Science and Applications for his “seminal contributions to surface-plasmon polaritons and the developments of plasmonic metasurfaces”.

Sergey I Bozhevolnyi

Sergey I Bozhevolnyi

After being awarded Doctor of Science degree from Århus University in 1998 for the research in near-field optics, he gradually shifted the focus of his work to fundamental and applied aspects of surface plasmon polaritons, pioneering the field of plasmonic waveguides and circuitry. In 2013 he received an ERC Advanced Grant, launching research into strongly confined surface plasmon modes, for plasmon-empowered active and quantum nanophotonics, including multifunctional optical metasurfaces. He has published over 400 research articles, dozens of reviews and book chapters, and been regularly included in the Web of Science (Clarivate) List of Highly Cited Researchers in Physics since 2017. The latest achievements include pioneering work on gap plasmon based waveguides and resonators as well as their use for ultra-compact photonic components, quantum plasmonics and gradient metasurfaces enabling complete control over radiation.

2021-EPS-QEOD Quantum Electronics and Optics Prize

Prof. Miles Padgett, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, for pioneering and wide ranging research on the fundamentals and applications of optical angular momentum.

Miles Padgett

Miles Padgett

Miles Padgett is a Royal Society Research Professor and also holds the Kelvin Chair of Natural Philosophy at the University of Glasgow in the UK.
His research team, covers all things optical from the basic ways in which light behaves as it pushes and twists the world around us, to the application of new optical techniques in imaging and sensing. They are currently using the classical and quantum properties of light to explore: the laws of quantum physics in accelerating frames, microscopes that see through noise, shaped light that overcomes diffraction-limited resolution and endoscopes the width of a human hair.
Miles celebrates his present and former group members and is proud of their academic and post-academic careers.

FrESNEL Prizes 2021

The 2021 Fresnel Prize for applied aspects is awarded to Dr. Margherita Maiuri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, for outstanding achievements in ultrafast optical spectroscopy, unveiling primary light-induced processes in bio-molecules and nanostructures with sub-10-fs pulses.

Applied aspects

Dr. Margherita Maiuri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, for outstanding achievements in ultrafast optical spectroscopy, unveiling primary light-induced processes in bio-molecules and nanostructures with sub-10-fs pulses.

Margherita Maiuri

Margherita Maiuri

Margherita Maiuri received her PhD in Physics in 2014 at Politecnico di Milano, specializing in the field of ultrafast optics and spectroscopy. Later she obtained a Marie Curie Global Fellowship and worked at Princeton University (USA) for three years. Currently she is Assistant Professor at the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano where she supervises the Ultrafast Spectroscopy Laboratory division focused on the study of complex systems for light-energy conversion. Her main research interests include the understanding of femtosecond dynamics of light-induced mechanisms in biological/biomimetic systems and nanostructures. 

She has published >40 peer-reviewed articles, including publications in Science, Nature Photonics, Nature Chemistry, Nature Materials journals. She received the L’Oréal UNESCO for Women in Science Fellowship (2018) and the ENI award – Debut in Research (2015).

Fundamental aspects

Prof. Michael Zuerch, University of California Berkeley, USA for outstanding contributions to the field of ultrafast condensed-matter science and for the application of linear and nonlinear X-ray spectroscopies to the investigation of quantum phenomena.

Michael Zuerch

Michael Zuerch

Michael Zuerch graduated from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany, in 2010. He completed his PhD in Physics at the same institution in 2014 working on high-resolution imaging using laser-driven extreme ultraviolet sources based on high harmonic generation. He then joined the research groups of Stephen Leone and Daniel Neumark at UC Berkeley as a Feodor Lynen Fellow studying condensed phase quantum phenomena using attosecond extreme ultraviolet sources. At present, he is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley in the Department of Chemistry. His research interests include studying ultrafast dynamics and phase transitions in correlated solids using laboratory attosecond sources and developing and applying nonlinear X-ray spectroscopy at free-electron lasers.

Thesis Prizes 2021
Applied aspects

Dr. Maxim Karpov, Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique (CSEM), Neuchâtel, Switzerland for his work on exploring the dynamics of dissipative Kerr solitons in optical microresonators and demonstration of their performance in real-world applications.

Maxim Karpov

Maxim Karpov

Maxim Karpov received his Doctorate in Physics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland in 2020. His research interests lie at the intersection of nonlinear physics, microresonator-based photonic systems, and their emerging applications. During his Doctorate Maxim Karpov worked on microresonator-based optical frequency combs (microcombs), and experimentally discovered several soliton phenomena in microresonators including Raman self-frequency shift, soliton switching, and the formation of perfect soliton crystals. Dr. Karpov also contributed to many first demonstrations of new applications of microcombs in coherent optical communications, ultrafast distance measurements (LiDAR), and optical computing of convolution neural networks. He is now a Swiss National Science Foundation postdoctoral research fellow at the Swiss Centre of Electronics and Microtechnology.
Applied aspects

Dr. Felipe Ignacio Pedreros Bustos, LAM – Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, France, for his key contributions to improving sodium laser guidestars via modeling and laboratory and on-sky experimental validation and for demonstrating and documenting remote mesospheric magnetometry.

Felipe Pedreros Bustos

Felipe Pedreros Bustos

Felipe Pedreros Bustos is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, France, where he investigates and develops new methods for laser guide star wavefront sensing in astronomy adaptive optics. He received his PhD in December 2019 from the Johannes Gutenberg Universität-Mainz and Helmholtz Institut Mainz (Germany), working on novel techniques for remote magnetometry with laser guide stars and exploring the extensions of nonlinear processes in sodium vapor cells to mesospheric sodium. Previously, Felipe had also worked in several astronomical facilities including the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole, Antarctica.
Fundamental aspects

Dr. Paulo André Dias Gonçalves, ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain for fundamental contributions to nanoscale electrodynamics and light–matter interactions with the incorporation of quantum mechanical effects in metal nanostructures and two-dimensional nanophotonics.

P. André D. Gonçalves

P. André D. Gonçalves

P. André D. Gonçalves is a postdoctoral researcher at ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain. His research interests encompass several areas of nanophotonics and condensed-matter physics, with focus on the nanoscale regime interfacing quantum and classical physics. He received his Ph.D. degree in September 2019, awarded by the Technical University of Denmark, Denmark. During his PhD, in the groups of N. A. Mortensen and A.-P. Jauho, he developed theoretical methods for describing multifaceted aspects related to the optical response of complex nanostructures and investigated the impact of quantum effects in various light–matter interactions in the few-nanometer regime. He previously obtained his BSc and MSc degrees in Physics from the Universities of Minho and Porto, respectively.
Fundamental aspects

Dr. Renwen Yu, Stanford University, CA, USA for fundamental studies of light-matter interactions in nanosystems based on graphene, along with the exploration of applications in photodetection, light modulation, and optical sensing.

Renwen Yu

Renwen Yu

Renwen Yu received his PhD in Photonics in 2019 at ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain. He worked in the area of theoretical nanophotonics, with a focus on light-matter interactions in nanosystems based on graphene. He previously obtained his bachelor’s degree in Optoelectronics and Information Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and his master’s degree in Photonics from Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. He is currently a postdoctoral associate at Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University. Here, his research interests lie at nanophotonics in the thermodynamical limit.

Vladilen Letokhov Medal 2021

The 2021 EPS QEOD/AMOPD Vladilen Letokhov Medal is awarded to


Prof. Massimo Inguscio, Campus Bio-medico University of Rome, Italy for world class experiments in AMO physics, from spectroscopy of metastable Helium to pioneering work with degenerate bosonic or fermionic quantum gases, and for many services to the international AMO community. 

Massimo Inguscio

Massimo Inguscio

Massimo Inguscio received his Ph.D. from Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy) in 1976. He has been Professor of Optics and Physics of Matter at the Universities of Napoli and Firenze and, since 2019, at Campus Bio-medico University of Rome. He has been co-founder and director of the European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), President of the Italian metrology institute (INRIM), President of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). His research activity spans from high-precision spectroscopy of atoms and molecules for fundamental tests of physics, to experiments with ultracold quantum gases and mixtures for the development of atom-based and photon-based quantum technologies.


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