2025 EPS-QEOD Prizes

Nominations are to be received on line by March 31, 2025 at the latest. All material must be prepared in English and combined into either a single consolidated PDF file or a ZIP archive.

EPS-QEOD Quantum Electronics & Optics Prizes 

Among its most prestigious prizes, the Quantum Electronics and Optics division (QEOD) of the European Physical Society (EPS) distributes the Quantum Electronics and Optics Prizes. These are the two senior EPS/QEOD prizes (one for fundamental, one for applied aspects) awarded for outstanding contributions to quantum electronics and optics.

Awarded every two years, these prizes recognize the highest level of achievements in fundamental and applied research in optical physics. The awards are presented in a special Plenary Ceremony generally held on Tuesday morning, during the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO®/Europe) and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC), held in Munich, Germany taking place in uneven years.

The prize winners are each to receive a diploma, a medal and 5000 euros.

Requested material: A CV of the nominee, a brief description of the nominee's achievements, a list of key publications, patents, etc., and least two additional letters of endorsement of the nomination, all prepared in pdf-format, as a single pdf, or zip file. A proposed citation (200 characters including spaces) will be required.

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Fresnel Prizes

Two EPS-QEOD prizes will be awarded for outstanding contributions to quantum electronics and optics made by young scientists before the age of 35 (as of December 31st, 2025). There is one prize for fundamental aspects and one prize for applied aspects. The prize winners are each to receive a diploma, a medal and 2000 euros.

Requested material: A CV of the nominee, a brief description of the nominee's achievements, a list of key publications, patents, etc., and least two additional letters of endorsement of the nomination, all prepared in pdf-format, as a single pdf, or zip file. A proposed citation (200 characters including spaces) will be required.

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EPS-QEOD Thesis Prizes 

Four EPS/QEOD prizes will be awarded to reward excellence in PhD research and scientific communication in quantum electronics and optics related to a PhD thesis defended in the period 1st January 2023 - March 2025. These prizes will be awarded for fundamental and for applied aspects. The prize winners are each to receive a diploma and 1000 euros.

Two short research summaries prepared by the candidate will form the central part of the award criteria. Nomination must be made by one of the thesis external examiners or by a senior researcher from an external institution familiar with the student’s work (not a supervisor or co-supervisor). The recommendation letter(s) and the summary by the nominee should clearly identify the original contributions of the candidate, in particular if the thesis is part of a larger group effort.

For the EPS QEOD Thesis Prize, a nomination must contain:

* A one page summary of the thesis work prepared by the nominee, clearly identifying the original technical contributions of the nominee to the research presented.

* A one page summary of the thesis work prepared by the nominee, which summarizes background, main results and impact of the work on a level accessible to a broad audience in physics. This second summary should be prepared in the style of a short commentary piece.

* A short CV, list of achievements and associated publications

* Support letters from thesis examiners are mandatory. Support letters from thesis examiners other than the nominator (if applicable) can be received.

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